까만점들 하나하나가 화학에서 이야기하는 주기율표에 있는 원소들이고요, 안정된 것들입니다. 다른 지점에 있는 동위원소isotope들은 알파선 베타선 중성자 전자 같은 걸 내뿜거나 fisson핵분열을 하며 붕괴decay하여 안정된 원소로 변한다는 내용인데, 그래프만 보고 영어로 설명하기는 어렵겠군요.
그냥 지도 풀듯이 해야 할 것 같습니다.
제목은 isotope and type of decay이다.
x축은 뭐다
y축은 뭐다
type of decay는 이런저런 것들이 있다.
upper side of the gragh에는 blue area, which is beta minus,
lower side of the gragh에는 orange area, which is beta plus,
진짜 어렵네요 ㅠㅠ 일단 제 시험에 나올까바 일단 샘플답안 작성했는데...
무슨 말인지 하나도 몰라서 그냥 눈에 보이는대로 하아
This graph shows the information about features of decay in various objects. The horizontal axis indicates the number of protons and vertical axis indicates the number of neutrons. As you can see, upper part of the stable Nuclide is mostly dominated by beta minus whereas lower part of that is mostly occupied by beta plus. In conclusion, the overall features of this graph is well represented accurate dot figures in vivid colours.
Answer for DI :
The image compares the sizes of different planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Pluto etc. From amongst all the planets Jupiter is gigantic and covers more mass, followed by Saturn which is comparatively smaller. Planets like Uranus and Neptune are almost identical. Earth when compared to Uranus and Neptune is small while Pluto is represented as a tiny dot. In conclusion, Jupiter is a largest whereas Pluto is considered to be smallest planet in the Universe.
This picture tells us about the life cycle of kidney bean. First of all, seed is covered by soil. When the root(뿌리) appears then shoot(흙밖으로 난 싹) is pushed upon the ground.
The shoot begins to sprout into a leafy plant. Finally, true leaves begin to grow.
혹시 도움이 될까 해서 답글 남겨요! 저도 이 문제 방금 연습으로 해봤는데, 너무 버벅거려서 문장 미리 만들어서 읽어보고 있네요 ㅎㅎㅎ 꼭 시험에 나오길 바라며...
This picture shows the information about the process of growing plants.
To begin with, we can see that there are 4 different stages in the picture form seeds to fully grown plants.
According to the picture, it initially starts with a small seed in the soil, followed by fertilising the seed and then by breaking down its skin or shell. And it takes around 5 days.
Lastly, it ends up with adult plants which are much taller and have more roots and leaves than the previous plants.
In conclusion, those features are well represented, and it is very useful and informative to understand the whole process of planting.
그냥 지도 풀듯이 해야 할 것 같습니다.
제목은 isotope and type of decay이다.
x축은 뭐다
y축은 뭐다
type of decay는 이런저런 것들이 있다.
upper side of the gragh에는 blue area, which is beta minus,
lower side of the gragh에는 orange area, which is beta plus,
마무리는 마법문장으로...
무슨 말인지 하나도 몰라서 그냥 눈에 보이는대로 하아
This graph shows the information about features of decay in various objects. The horizontal axis indicates the number of protons and vertical axis indicates the number of neutrons. As you can see, upper part of the stable Nuclide is mostly dominated by beta minus whereas lower part of that is mostly occupied by beta plus. In conclusion, the overall features of this graph is well represented accurate dot figures in vivid colours.
(orange, yellow, green, dark green 컬러 이렇게 네가지 나왔어요 각 색마다 사용하는언어 분류하였구요~ 저는 컬러별로 그냥 설명했어요)
The image compares the sizes of different planets such as Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Earth, Pluto etc. From amongst all the planets Jupiter is gigantic and covers more mass, followed by Saturn which is comparatively smaller. Planets like Uranus and Neptune are almost identical. Earth when compared to Uranus and Neptune is small while Pluto is represented as a tiny dot. In conclusion, Jupiter is a largest whereas Pluto is considered to be smallest planet in the Universe.
하나씩 제꺼 답안을 만드는 중인데 이거 콩은 진짜... 제 영어론 안되겠어요 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
The shoot begins to sprout into a leafy plant. Finally, true leaves begin to grow.
저도 좀 찾아보았어요 부족하지만 도움되시길~!
This picture shows the information about the process of growing plants.
To begin with, we can see that there are 4 different stages in the picture form seeds to fully grown plants.
According to the picture, it initially starts with a small seed in the soil, followed by fertilising the seed and then by breaking down its skin or shell. And it takes around 5 days.
Lastly, it ends up with adult plants which are much taller and have more roots and leaves than the previous plants.
In conclusion, those features are well represented, and it is very useful and informative to understand the whole process of planting.