6/13 제 시험 RL에서 나왔던 신호등 문제인데요,
어느 사이트에서 발견했는데 공유해봅니당..
아쉽게도 원문 음원은 못찾겠네요 ㅠㅠ sample answer 보고 원문내용 추측했어요 저도;;
<Sample Answer>
- We should categorize food and drinks into three colors including the red category, yellow category and green category.
- Each color provides various health benefits, so labeling food with different colors can help consumers choose the right type
of food as their bodies need and develop healthy diet habits.
- Retailers should introduce color-coding system, because traffic light labeling can guide consumers to make a wise decision
while doing grocery shopping.
화이팅입니다 ㅋㅋㅋ