SST 기출 자료 Similarity between music and language

SST 기출 자료 Similarity between music and language

역시...검색은 구글느님이죠..

우째 구하긴 했네요. 원본 파일이 너무 구려서 업샘플링해도 음질이 좋지 않네요.


다운로드가 안되서 제가 맥북으로 녹음하다보니 mp3파일이 아니라 m4a파일입니다. 변환하실분은 변환해서 쓰세요.

누군가 고수님께서 SST 요약해주시면 참 좋을텐데요...ㅎㅎ


제 구글 드라이버에 업로드 해 두었으니, 받으셔서 연습들 하시기 바랍니다.

최근 제가 본 시험에서도 나왔었고, 아래 어떤분께서도 나왔다고 하니 실제 기출문제가 맞습니다.


오늘도 화이팅하세요~!



2017.12.18 수정

제가 들으면서 스크립트 만들어 봤는데, 중간중간 틀린 단어 및 못들은 단어도 있으니, 참고하세요. keyword라고 생각되는 부분은 하이라이트 해 봤습니다.

고수님들이 댓글로 좀 더 수정해 주셔도 좋겠네요. PTE-A는 다 같이 만들어 가는 곳이니까요.ㅎ

Script: Every human in culture we know the music and language, these are universe, genuine human universe when they go way back in our specie’s history. So the question what these two things might have been common has occurred a lot of people when its two of them both involve complex sequences that afford in time both forms in communication, its interesting, philosophers since Plato going back over 2000 years, scientists including Darwin who wrote about possible evolutionary links between music and language in his book “OO”, an artist including OOOO who is OOO of Harvard in the 70s about possible connections between the grammar of music and the grammar of language according to norm Tchaikovsky theories. So it’s a persist question and I think it continuously OOO from scientists today, because they are just in basic obvious similarities. For example, both music and language have rhythm by which I mean systematic patterns of timing, accent and grouping. They both have melody, meaning structure patterns of pitch over time. And they both have syntax, mean desgrid elements like notes, words and principles where combining those elements of sequence sentences are just random sequences verbs, music is nowadays compositions of far from random sequences of notes, their principles. And they both convey emotion OOO using sound, you can tell somebody’s emotions OOO their voices, you can get a lot of emotional information about music is conveying happiness, sadness or mixed emotions OOO.


Lv.5 5 엉클브루스  실버
554 (67.1%)

안해서 안나오는거다


1 drew 2017.12.17 22:31
와 새로운 기출이 계속 늘어나네요 ㅠㅠ 자료 감사합니다!!
11 beautifulday 2017.12.17 23:54
8 JayJay 2017.12.18 07:21
8 JayJay 2017.12.18 08:02
키워드나 단어가 불확실합니다. 고수님들 도움이 필요할듯요.

The speech talked about the similarity between music and language.
They are both involved in complex sequences, time and communication.
Scientists, including Darwin, wrote about possible evolutionary length,
and artists mentioned about possible connection such as grammar of music and language,
according to Tchaikovsky theory. They both have rhythm, melody and syntax, and convey emotion.
Therefore, you can get information and emotion about music such as sadness and happiness.
1 엉클브루스 2017.12.18 09:13
SST Music and language 나름대로 Script 추가해봤습니다. 리스닝이 부족한지라....참고하세요~
1 positive 2017.12.18 22:48
우와 브루스님 감사합니다.
6 stellayu 2017.12.19 08:41
고생하셨네요~~ 잘 쓰도록 하겠습니다.. 감사합니다!!^
1 saad 2018.02.08 18:13
it was in my test very worst recording:(
1 saad 2018.02.10 13:36
The speaker is talking about the similarities between music and language. They both are common complex sequences form of communication. Darwin wrote possible evolutionary links in his book and some artists said that there is a basic obvious similarity because both have rhythm, systematic pattern, timings, accent, and grouping. Both have melody & syntax and can convey emotions like happiness and sadness.