2. If telescopes are used to locate distant objects, what instrument is employed to magnify miniscule objects? – (electron) microscope / microscopes
3. Which kind of punishment for a crime is the less severe, an imprisonment or community service? – community service
4. How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement? – two
5. Which is the longest: a decade, a millennium or a century? – a millennium
6. A manufacturing process releases noxious gases. What is the most important safety measure for workers at this plant – ensuring good ventilation, or appropriate footwear? – (ensuring good) ventilation
7. A list of events placed in time order is usually described as what? – a chronology / a timeline
8. If a figure is hexagonal, how many sides does it have? – six
9. What key mineral makes sea water different from fresh water? – salt
10. In the animal kingdom, is the purpose of camouflage to attract a mate, to find food or to hide? – (it’s) (the purpose is) (to) hide