SWT Anna 님이 언급하신 내용 정리한 겁니다 족보, 기출
5 허니피지오
PART 1 : Writing
2018.02.17 16:02
안녕하세요 :) 시험 보기전에 이번에 SWT 기출 정리해보고 들어갔는데 같이 나누어봅니다. --> 이 표시된 건 대부분은 퍼온 겁니당 ㅋㅋ 그래서 시험보기 전에 3번 보고 들어갔어요 근데 시험에 SST 에서는 student loan 이랑 sound receptors(anna 님 덕분이에요) :)) 가 두개 딱! 나와서 쓸게 많아서 좋았어요 SWT 는 이번에 나왔지만 요새 후기 보니까 족보를 타는 듯 해요 오타 및 오류 지적 환영입니다, 다른 분들을 위해 댓글에 남겨주세요 :)
A research done by Laszlo Garamszegi and his team shows that most female songbirds could sing and some species sing for surviving reasons and that this fact is overlooked due to Darwin’s emphasis on the importance of male display.
Pascolena flurry
The establishment of conservancies, run by local communities and assisted by the government and NGOs, has been proved successful to help developing countries to decentralize natural resources, create jobs and improve the economy.
Tree ring dating
Dendrochronology which researches about the number and width of tree ring will be quite informative and diagnostic about distinctive weather patterns in different geographic areas and times, as varied width of tree ring indicates clear differences in precipitation in the past.
Children watch TV
Controlling children’s TV watching has been debatable issues due to some reasons such as when the amount of time goes up, it will lead to detrimental effects on them like not only less devoted time for homework, but less physical activities, and less likely they will socialize with other; therefore, most important thing is to set the rules about it and manage correctly the housing environments.
—> Watching too much television has negative effects on important aspects of children’s life and it is not television but the way that parents manage their children’s TV watching, including the time they spend on, the programs they watch and even how the family deal with the TV, that matters.
It’ll never fly: the city of London
London has surpassed its rival New York and dominated global financial markets to become the world’s mighty money capital in terms of the size of funds operated even though there are numerous facts against making it the most expensive city such as exacerbated living expenses, expensive transports, and threat of terrorist attacks.
Parent’s born order affects their parenting
It is researched that birth order of parents may affect on the dynamics in the family, especially influencing on their children’s personality, as parents can be biased by reflecting their past experiences with their siblings on the behavior of children; however, both parents and children have freewill to build their own personality and characteristics.
—> Despite the theory that parents’ one birth order can affect their parenting, and that parents usually replicate the family in which they were raised, both parents and children have free will to build their own personality and characteristics.
Beauty contest
Since the winning of Beauty Contest by Australians, it has been debatable whether it is just the value of old-fashioned or demeaning to the dignity of female; actually, in recent times, numerous women and men suffer from distorted their body image having pressure on it how they look, but it is not true to come in all sizes and shapes.
—> Opponents to beauty pageants argue that it is demeaning to women and is a symbol of decline because in the past, Australian women were treated with dignity and respect, while beauty pageants, promoted from the 1960s, seem to convey that women could be judged on their appearance.
Grass and cow
There is a co-evolutionary relationship between cows and grass, which is one of the ruminants that has rumen to digest the grass into highly-qualified protein even though the grass already evolved to withstand the grazing of ruminants, can help the grass spread seed by their hooves and provide manure to it.
SLP officer
Despite armed police has been introduced to NSW schools with the anticipations of getting positive impacts such as improved relationships with the students, educations about illegal behavior like the consumptions of alcohol or drugs and crime prevention, there are still certain concerns mentioned by parents that some of relationships are already under the strain.
—> School liaison police have been brought into NSW schools to reduce crime rates and improve students’ safety conducting workshops and some people believe it a good thing while others not.