제가 쓴 에세이 점수가 얼마 정도 인지?

제가 쓴 에세이 점수가 얼마 정도 인지?

1 fjlee 3 6,915 2017.03.03 12:40

안녕하세요 아이엘츠 라이팅에서 계속 7을 받지 못해서 PTE로 바꿔서 시험 준비하려 합니다.

여기에 친절하게 남겨 놓으신 템플릿을 가지고 에세이를 혼자 써 봤는 데 혹시 PTE 시험 많이 보신 분들 제 에세이가 몇 점 정도 나오는 지 대략 감으로 어드바이스 받고 싶습니다.

오늘도 PTE 공부 하시는 분 혼자라고 생각하지 마시고 힘내시길 바랍니다.



€) 'Nowadays many young people leave home at an early age to either study

or work in another ci ty. '

Do you think this has more advantages or disadvantages for young people~

Support your point of view with reasons and examples from your

own experience.


With the development of modern technology society, young people leaving home at an early age has become a trend everywhere in the world. While it is possible to claim that this has brought many negative aspects into our society such as being selfish, others maintain that the benefits of this phenomenon outweigh its drawbacks from the personal growth perspective. In this essay, I shall explain why I view this has more positive sides than negatives with my experience before deducing a conclusion.


It is often argue that people become mature and independent when they live alone, being away from family. Therefore, leaving home for further study or work, particularly in a bigger city for better opportunities would be a good excuse to grow up as a mature adult for young people. For example, I started to learn how to cook or managed to live within my budget when I left home for university and lived by myself. Other than myself, no one else I could rely on so that I learned how to become responsible.


Further, leaving home can provide an opportunity to appreciate that I have family members that loves me unconditionally and supports me at any time whenever I need. We tend not to appreciate when we live with family, taking what our parents do to us for granted. However, when lived alone and was not able to receive all affection and support that I used to receive from my parents and sister and brother, I happened to appreciate their existence for myself how fortunate I am to have such a loving family.


In conclusion, considering what has been discussed above, it is no doubt that leaving home at an early age make us more mature, responsible and appreciate what we have. Therefore, I believe positive sides of this phenomenon outweighs its drawbacks from my experience.


Lv.3 3 fjlee  실버
270 (50%)

등록된 서명이 없습니다.


9 Kavin 2017.03.03 20:54
참고하셔야 할게, PTE 라이팅 점수가, 에세이 하나로 결정 되는 게 아닙니다. 리스닝이라던지 다른 영역에서 답을 작성하시는 것도 라이팅 점수에 영향을 주고, 또 summarize written text도 비중이 상당히 큰 것 같습니다.
그래서.. 아무리 시험 경험이 많다고 한덜, PTE 라이팅은 단순히 에세이 하나 가지고, 점수 판단을 하긴 어렵지만, 제가 봤을 때, 문장 구조라던지, 문법 어휘에선 크게 문제가 없어 보입니다.
따라서, 다른 영역에서 답안 작성하실 때, 그리고 summarize written text 요약만 잘하시면, 60 후반에서 70점 대는 나오실 것 같아요.
4 suchan 2017.03.04 09:07
PTE 모의고사 한번 봐보시면 대충 감 잡히실듯 하네요
채점도 해주기 때문에 자신 점수가 어느정도인지 참고하는데는 좋은 방법일듯 합니다
99 Jason 2017.03.11 09:45
18~19분에 쓰신거면 저보다 잘 쓰시는 겁니다. ㅋㅋ
저는 65~70점이 항상 나왔거든요
걱정하지 마시고 다른 라이팅 파트에도 신경 쓰시면 되겠네요 ㅎㅎ