DI 질문>>이거 어떻게답해야하나요?

DI 질문>>이거 어떻게답해야하나요?

7 콩콩89 1 4,330 2018.07.29 16:33
 {이미지:0}, {이미지:1} 

저번시험때 나왔던 문제에요.. 근데 어떻게해야할지 몰라서 버벅거리다넘겼는데..담주에또시험이라 걱정되서요
혹시 예시답안좀 알려주실수있으실까요? 50점목표입니다.

1번은 둘다조금씩감소했으니까 그냥 slightly decreased 하고 highst point can be found ~이렇게  빨간거하나 파란거하나 말해도되는걸까요?


Lv.7 7 콩콩89  실버
751 (0.6%)



3 asdadaasd 2018.07.29 18:12
저도 1번문제 나왔는데 이렇게 말했어요
This diagram represents the temperature and rainfall guide for Beijing from January to December across two different categories including daily high and daily low. The horizontal axis represents different months whereas the vertical axis represents centigrade and Fahrenheit.

According to the graph, when we look at Daily high, the largest number can be found around June and the number is 30 centigrade.

In conclusion, the temperature is high around June and July because it is summer.