안녕하세요. 이사이트를 알게 된지는 1년이 넘은 것 같은데, 이제야 PTE시험을 본격적으로 준비하려는 뉴비입니다.
아이엘츠같은 다른시험도 공부해 본적이 없어서, 제겐 에세이가 가장 문제인데 템플릿 공유해주셔서 정말 감사합니다^^.
근데 준 것도 잘 소화를 시키질 못하겠어서, 이렇게 도움 요청합니다.
윤스님 템플릿에 빈 칸을 나름 채워 봤는데, 이게 맞는건지 확신이 없어서요.
"토픽"으로 채워넣은 부분들이 몇 몇군데는 어색해 보이기도 하고요.
With the rise of urbanisation and technology development across the world, "토픽" has become the subject of heated debate.
While it is possible to claim that "토픽" provides various benefits such as "긍정적인 영향 받을 만한 것",
others maintain that the substantial side effects of "토픽" spark off the controversy over the potential impacts of this trend on disadvantages over the past years.
In this essay, I shall elaborate on my point of view by analysing both sides of the argument with my experience before deducing a proper conclusion.
First, it is generally acknowledged that "토픽" provides a number of merits.
For example, "토픽" has comprehensively contributed to the advancement of the subject such as culture and a human lifestyle in many ways.
It can also be argued that "토픽" is beneficial for young generation as well as adults who "이득볼만한 사람".
On the other hand, those who argued for "토픽" have a different perspective and demonstrate convincingly that it can actually have a negative impact on "대표적인 부정적인 면".
Moreover, there are multifarious concerns such as "부정적인 영향 받을 만한 것" and those can be a significant factor to be considered.
To sum up, considering what has been discussed above, it is my opinion that far-reaching positive effects which have brought to the society far outweigh the negative effects.
Therefore, I strongly recommend that to keep this trend for the future although it will undoubtedly be associated with negative consequences, societies should take conscious steps to mitigate these potential problems.