PTE 유투브 D2L - PTE PREPARATION 에서 latest WFD real exam sentences(based on memory) 를 가끔 업로드하는데,
낯선 문제들이 좀 있어서 올려봅니다. 혹시 실제로 시험에서 받으신 분들 있으신가요??
일단 제가 가지고 있는 WFD 자료중엔 없는거 같아서..
-University fees are expected to increase next week.
-They are both grown up in the rural area and dislike the urban life.
-The schedule allows a lot of time for independent study.
-Fashion trends help people to make life interesting.
-A good architectural structure is always very useful, durable and beautiful.
-The art co-refers to a number of very interesting experiments.
-The commission of politician will collect fines for the sovereignty.
-University fees are expected to increase next week.
-A good architectural structure is always very useful, durable and beautiful.
-The commission of politician will collect fines for the sovereignty.
이정도 기출로 나왔던걸로 확인했었습니다. 자주 보지는 못했어요 ㅎ