SWT 기출문제 및 질문 ㅜㅠ

SWT 기출문제 및 질문 ㅜㅠ

3 tina08715 2 3,806 2018.03.01 11:35
아래꺼 문제로 나왔었는데 사실 저는 시험보면서 100% 이해 못했는데 그냥 막 썼거든요..
혹시 써머리 잘 하시는 분 재능기부 부탁해요 ;)


Slightly less than one in five carers (19%) were primary carers (475,000 people). That is, they were the main carer of a person who was limited in carrying out the core everyday activities of mobility, communication or self-care. Both primary carers and the larger group of other carers (close to 2 million) contribute to the wellbeing of older people and people with disabilities. However, because they care for people who otherwise would have difficulty carrying out basic everyday activities, there is particular interest in primary carers: in the contribution they make, their wellbeing, labour force experiences, motivations and the support they receive in caring.

Primary carers were more likely than other carers to be assisting someone who lived in the same household (81% compared with 76%). As with caring as a whole, the likelihood of being a primary carer increased with age to peak at age 55-64 years, where one in twenty people were primary carers. However, rather than then declining, the likelihood of being a primary carer remained at around this level among the older age groups. Consequently, primary carers had a somewhat older age profile than other carers. The median age of primary carers was 52 years, compared with 47 years for other carers.

Primary carers were more likely than other carers to be female (71% compared with 50%) and less likely to be in the labour force (39% compared with 60%). Women not in the
labour force were by far the largest single group among primary carers (44%). In contrast, men employed full-time were the largest single group among other carers (25%). Consistent with their lower labour force participation, primary carers had lower personal incomes than other carers (a median gross income of $237 per week compared with $327 per week) and were more likely to have a government pension or allowance as their main source of income (55% compared with 35%).


Lv.3 3 tina08715  실버
285 (62.5%)

hi, I cannot use Korean letter from library computer hehe


22 charminganna 2018.03.01 21:43
Primary carers who were limited in carrying out the main everyday activities contribute to the wellbeing of disabilities, older people, labour force experiences and support of caring, and that they were more likely to have older age profile as well as to be female of lower labour force.

이거 진짜 자주 나오지 않는 기출인데 시험에서 만났네요 ㅜㅜ  저는 일단 수치가 들어간 문장들은 중요하다고 생각하지 않고 primary carers 의 definition 과 trend 에만 집중하여 한번 써봣어요 :)
3 tina08715 2018.03.02 00:34
고런 내용으로 요약이 딱 되는게 신기하네요 짝짝!! 답변감사해요