이문장에 궁금한게 있습니다 .콤마 관련해서 ...

이문장에 궁금한게 있습니다 .콤마 관련해서 ...

1 람시 4 4,402 2017.11.06 17:18


In 1920,the Volstead Act, prohibited the manufacture, sale, transportation, importation, exportation, delivery, or possession of intoxicating liquors for beverage purposes and nearly destroyed what had become a thriving national industry but One loophole in the Volstead Act allowed for the manufacture and sale of sacramental wines and It is banned the sale later.

BUT 이랑 AND 가 넣어서 한문장으로 만들었는데 저기에 콤마 넣어야 되는건가요??

어떤거는 콤마 넣고 어떤거 안넣고 하는것 같아서 이거 잘아시는 분 있나요? ㅎ ​


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15 DJ119 2017.11.06 17:57
제가 콤마 관련 공부할때 정리했던 내용입니다. 참고해 보세요.


Rule 1 : Use a comma before any coordinating conjunction that links *two independent clause.
O - OR
S - SO
For exmaple>
PTE is a tough English exam, and it is difficult to crack.
I went running, so I saw a duck.
I went running, and saw a duck.  ( X )
I love watching movies, but I hate watching TV.
Black bears are beautiful, so they have shiny coats.

Rule 2 : Use a comma after a dependent clause that starts a sentence.
*Subordinate conjunctions: because, since, when, if, though, unless, until, where, while, which
For example>
Black bears are beautiful because they have shiny coats.
Because they have shiny coats, black bears are beautiful.

Rule 3: Use a comma when you are giving an extra information or an adjective clause.

Hari, who is wise man, cracked the PTE in the first attempt.

Rule 4: Use a comma to separate items in a series.

James Thomas finds inspiration in cooking, her family, and her dog.

Rule 5: Use a comma after introductory adverbs.

Finally, I cracked the PTE.
Unsurprisingly, I scored less in PTE when I got distracted by others in the exam hall.
The rule for where the comma goes, however, depends on where attribution comes.

Rule 6: Use a comma when attributing quotes.

The Thomas said, "I saw a snake."    "I saw a snake,"  "I saw a snake". (X)

Rule 7: Use a comma to separate the elements in a full date.

Sunday, June 20, 2015, was a strange day.
Sunday, June 20, was a strange day.
June 2015 was a strange day.

Rule 8: Use a comma to separate each element in an address.

I work at HewlettPackard, suvery #192, whitefield main road, Bangalore, 560048.

Rule 9: Use a comma between two coordinate adjectives that modify the same noun.

I saw the big, mean duck when I went running.

Coordinate adjectives: reverse the adjectives and they still mean the same.

I lay under the powerful summer sun  -- no comma
I lay under the summer powerful sun  -- no comma

Rule 10: Use a comma to offset negation in a sentence.

It was the PTE exam, not a kindergarten exam, that I appeared day before.
19 초절정간지녀 2017.11.06 18:26
‘DJ119’님은 정말 모르는게 없으시네요.
덕분에 저도 잘 배워갑니다. :)
15 DJ119 2017.11.06 20:55
고수님들이 보면 웃고 지나가겠어요. ^^;;.  정리는 했었지만 아직 제것은 아닌 듯 합니다.
19 초절정간지녀 2017.11.06 21:22
첨부해주신 공부자료들 보면서 깜짝 깜짝 놀래요.
진짜 공부 열심히 하신것 같아요.
저는 공부는 하고 있는데 첫시험 결과가 아직 안나와서 마음이 뒤숭숭하네요. T_T