답변 감사합니다. 예를들어 아래 내용은 다른분께서 이 사이트에 올려주신 템플릿인데, 아래와 같은 템플릿을 해당 영역의 모든 문제에 적용한다해도 감점은 없다는 말씀이신거죠?
Highlighting the most significant fact which is mentioned explicitly and implicitly in this specific lecture is _______________. It includes that. In addition to put more emphasis on _______, it also denoted that __________. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, it can be stated that ___________. This talk is very informative and provides general understanding of (주제)
스피킹의 경우 컨텐츠 보다는 말하기와 발음이니깐요.
에세이도 틀에 맞춰 써도 별다른 감점은 없는걸로 알고 있어요.
라이팅에서 에세이 점수 배점이 그리 높지 않다고 말하는 분들이 많이 있거든요.
Highlighting the most significant fact which is mentioned explicitly and implicitly in this specific lecture is _______________. It includes that. In addition to put more emphasis on _______, it also denoted that __________. Considering the most substantial insights which are specified here, it can be stated that ___________. This talk is very informative and provides general understanding of (주제)