안녕하세요? DI 템플렛 공유 부탁드립니다.

안녕하세요? DI 템플렛 공유 부탁드립니다.

8 jasonkorea80 2 3,516 2017.10.10 19:19


얼마전에 공부 시작했습니다.

DI 살펴보고 있는데, 템플렛이 좀 필요하네요.



Lv.8 8 jayaria  실버
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8 Sworks 2017.10.10 21:07
여기 후기나 성공기 읽어보시면 템플릿 많이 보실수 있으실거에요 저는 여러가지 찾아보신후에 외우기 편하고 인식잘되는 템플릿 직접 수정해서 만드시길 추천드려요

This image represents - first of all it is clear from the image that the top figure was shown for __- which is __ following that ___ is second highest which accounted for ___ on the other hand it can be seen the lowest figure is ___ which is __ .
In conclusion by analyzing the graph it can be concluded that this trend is likely to continue in the future according to given data that's all i can understand from the image
8 jasonkorea80 2017.10.12 18:09