(+50, Over58) 성공후기 및 12/09/2018 멜버른 피어슨 후기

(+50, Over58) 성공후기 및 12/09/2018 멜버른 피어슨 후기

7 Jayyoung 34 13,262 2018.09.15 09:45


안녕하세요. 저도 드디어 졸업하네요. 아엘츠에서 한 과목이 안나와서 PTE가 괜찮다고 주위에서 들어서 시작한지 어느덧 4개월.. 시간이 꽤 흘렀네요. 

저는 대학원에 제출할 성적 목적으로 준비 중이었고 이치 6.0(50), 오버럴 6.5(58)이 필요하였습니다. 7월에 끝내고 싶었지만 스피킹이 49점, 47점 이렇게 나오니까 오히려 공부를 느슨하게 했었고 에라이 모르겠다 하고 한달간 아예 공부를 안하다가 9월셤에서는 마무리하고싶어서 2주간은 집중했던거같습니다. 시험을 잘본거같았다는 생각은 많이 안들었지만 그전보다 스피킹은 아주 조금은 갠찬지않을까 했는데 아주.......................조금 괜찮아져서 다행히 +50했네요 ㅠ

많은 후기 및 도움주시는 분들... 일일이 나열하기도 너무 많은 분들께 힘을 얻어 점수를 받은 것 같습니다.



 워낙 고수분들에 비해 부족한 성적이지만

+50 준비하시는 분들께 감히 드릴 수 있는 말씀은 


Speaking 이 50점이 안나오시는 분들은 RA, DI, ASQ에 집중하시길 권합니다.

1) RA : 저는 발음이 그지같아서 PTE준비하면서 영어발음이 꽤많이 개선된거같습니다. 읽다가 긴장해서 끊기는게 참많았는데 마지막시험도 끊김이 많았지만 몇회 전 시험보다는 정말 많이 줄었던거같아요 그 이후에 10점이상 상승했습니다. 다른분들은 거저 가져가는 파트가 RA라고 들었는데 저한테는 가장 힘든 파트였던거같습니다. 스피킹에서 50점안나오시는 분들은 저랑 비슷하실거라 생각합니다. 

최대한 빨리 읽는게 포인트긴하지만 R, L발음을 유튜브에서 찾아서 다시 발음을 고치는데에 중점을 두었고 B, P같은 발음은 입을 오므렸다 피는 방식으로 속도는 느리지만 계속 연습했습니다. 



2) DI : DI는 특히 많이 나오는 그래프의 템플릿을 거의 완벽하게 숙지하였기에 매번 큰 문제는 없었고, 이것 때문에 그나마 45점

ASQ에 집중하시고 RL은 DI가 어느정도 나오면 되는거 같고 RS는 최소 2주이상의 꾸준한 노력이 필요한거 같습니다. 저는 상황이 여의치 않아 RL은 템플릿만 익히고 RS는 노트테이킹하는게 저랑 오히려 더 안맞아서 외워서 말하는 것으로 했고 기출은 숙지해봐짜 영어실력의 한계인지 술술 나오지는 않더라고요 기출나왔을때 오히려 버벅거려서 망했습니다. ㅋㅋ


3) ASQ는 시험 이틀전부터 모조리 맞추겠다는 생각으루 기출 다보고갔고 기출에서 많이 나오기때문에  점수포션은 작을지몰라도 가성비로는 저같은 하수들은 거저먹기 좋은 파트였던거같습니다.

Listening 은 기출을 최대한 많이 익히고 WFD 3문제 출제면 단어 수 기준으로 80%는 맞추셔야 합니다. 요새 기출 나오는것만 최소화 간추리면 200개내외되는거같습니다. 약 4개월간 준비하면서 그 외에서 기출이 벗어나는건 한번도 보지못했습니다. (자료욕심이 있어서 WFD는 후기 정말 많이 보았습니다., 중국사이트포함해서요) +50하시는 분들은 WFD만 하셔도 충분히 점수받으실 수 있습니다. 제가 경험한바로는요..


Writing은 사실 구체적으론 드릴말씀이 없습니다. 템플릿 숙지가 기본입니다. SWT는 중요문장만 뽑아서 연결하는 수준이었고, Essay는 165자짜리 템플릿써서 매번 290자정도 채웠습니다. WFD는 매번 80%정도 맞춘거같고요. SST또한 템플릿에 키워드만 집어넣었었습니다. 그러니까 계속 70점은 넘게 나오더라구요.. +50 준비하시는 분들은 에세이 템플릿, SST 템플릿(RL과 유사하게)만 가져가셔도 50이상은 충분히 나오실거라 생각합니다.


Reading도 힘드신분들 많으실거같단 생각이 듭니다. 생각보다 기출이 정말 많이 나오기도하고 안나올땐 정말 안나오기도합니다. FIB랑 RO는 기출을 일주전부터 보고가는 편인데 기출이 많이 출제될땐 거의 대부분이 기출이 나와서 +70을 받기도했었습니다. (RA망했음에도 불구하구..) 그만큼 기출이 많이 나옵니다. 영어적인 베이스가 애매하신분들은 기출에 의지하시길 권합니다. 기출이 한문제도 안나온적은 없기때문에 꼭 보시길 권합니다. FIB나 RO에서 기출로 얻어걸려서 몇문제먹고들어가면 다른 리딩문제들은 여유있게 시간 놓고 고민할 수 있는 시간도 충분히 있더라구요. 

하지만.. 사실 마지막시험은 외운 기출이 거의 나오지않아서ㅠㅠㅠㅠ Reading에서 과락이 나오지않을까 했는데... 다행히 그렇지는 않았습니다. ^^; (혹시 기출없으신분들은 댓글주시면 보내드리겠습니다.)


아무튼 저는 PTE의 장점은 기출이라 생각합니다. 먼가 시험이 쉬워보여서 기출이나 문제파악도 제대로하지 않은채 시험보시는 분들(저도 그랬었습니다.)많으실텐데 차라리 그 돈있으시면 pte.ai에  20AUD내고 컴퓨터베이스 연습하시는걸 추천드립니다.




마지막으로 12/09/2018 멜버른 피어슨 후기올려드리고 인사드립니다.. 다들 홧팅하세요.^^


RA :  Pluto


Pluto lost its official status as a planet yesterday, when the International Astronomical Union downsized the solar system from nine to eight planets. Although there had been passionate debate at the General Assembly Meeting in Prague about the definition of a planet – and whether Pluto met the specifications – the audience greeted the decision to exclude it with





DI : Pie 1, Line 3, Bar 2 ? (견본없음, 무난)




1) Language endanger


2) Dog and sound (rewarding process)


The lecture introduces an experiment showing that dogs use different barks and growls to communicate different


things. Researchers recorded an "alone bark", a stranger growl where a dog was growling at the approach of a stranger, and a "food growl" where a dog was growling to protect its food.


The researchers played these different growls to a dog who was approaching a plate of juicy food. The dogs were more hesitant to approach if they heard the food growl rather than the stranger growl or the alone barks.


The experiment shows that dogs could clearly distinguish between different types of growls, and react to them




3) Population growth (US, japan 나오는거)








QWhat is the opposite of positive?




QWhat is the habitat of camels




Q : 우주행성볼때뭐이용하는지?




QWhat is the source of solar energy?


AThe Sun.


Q: Vertical반대


A: Horizontal.




SWT (하나만기억남)


Technology prediction  (거의똑같음)

 As far as prediction is concerned, remember that the chairman of IBM predicted in the fifties that the world would


need a maximum of around half a dozen computers, that the British Department for Education seemed to think in the eighties that we would all need to be able to code in BASIC and that in the nineties Microsoft failed to foresee the rapid growth of the Internet.


Who could have predicted that one major effect of the automobile would be to bankrupt small shops across the


nation? Could the early developers of the telephone have foreseen its development as a medium for person-to person communication, rather than as a form of the broadcasting medium? We all, including the 'experts', seem to bepeculiarly inept at predicting the likely development of our technologies, even as far as the next year. We can, of course, try to extrapolate from the experience of previous technologies, as I do below by comparing the technology of the Internet with the development of other information and communication technologies and by examining the earlier development of radio and print. But how justified I might be in doing so remains an open question. You might conceivably find the history of the British and French videotext systems, Prestel and Minitel, instructive. However, I am not entirely convinced that they are very relevant, nor do I know where you can find information about them online, so, rather than take up space here, I've briefly described them in a separate article.



Essay : Building design사람들(work&life)positive한지 negative한지



Language (90%일치)


1) It is wrong, however, to exaggerate the similarity between language and other cognitive skills, because language stands apart in several ways.


2) For one thing, the use of language is universal-all normally developing children learn to speak at least one language and may learn more than one.


3) By contrast, not everyone becomes proficient at complex mathematical reasoning, few people learn to paint well, and many people cannot carry a tune.


4) Because everyone is capable of learning to speak and understand language, it may seem to be simple.


5) But just the opposite is true-language is one of the most complexes of all human cognitive abilities.


Wal-mart CEO comments on the economic crisis (80% 일치, 거의비슷하나약간다름)


1) Wal-Mart's core shoppers are running out of money much faster than a year ago due to rising gasoline prices, and theretail giant is worried, CEO Mike Duke said Wednesday.


2) "We're seeing core consumers under a lot of pressure," Duke said at an event in New York. "There's no doubt that rising fuel prices are having an impact."


3) Wal-Mart shoppers, many of whom live paycheck to paycheck, typically shop in bulk at the beginning of the month when their paychecks come in.


4) Lately, they're "running out of money" at a faster clip, he said.




Impressionist painters


Impressionist painters were considered radical in their time because they broke many of the rules of the picture making set by earlier generations. They found many of their subjects in life around them rather than in history, which was then the accepted source of subject matter.



The writing on the wall

The inevitable consequences include rampant corruption, an absence of globally competitive Chinese companies, chronic waste of resources, rampant environmental degradation, and soaring inequality. Above all, the monopoly over power of an ideologically bankrupt communist party is inconsistent with the pluralism of opinion, security of property and vibrant competition on which a dynamic economy depends. As a result, Chinese development remains parasitic on know-how and institution developed elsewhere.





‘Just-in-time,’ is a management philosophy and not a technique. It originally referred to the production of goods to


meet customer demand exactly, in time, quality and quantity, whether the ‘customer’ is the final purchaser of the


product or another process further along the production line. It has now come to mean producing with minimum







If you see a movie, or a TV advertisement, that involves a fluid behaving in an unusual way, it was probably made using technology based on the work of a Monash researcher.


Professor Joseph Monaghan who pioneered an influential method for interpreting the behaviour of liquids that


underlies most special effects involving water has been honoured with election to the Australian Academy of Sciences.


Professor Monaghan, one of only 17 members elected in 2011, was recognised for developing the method of


Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) which has applications in the fields of astrophysics, engineering and


physiology, as well as movie special effects.


His research started in 1977 when he tried to use computer simulation to describe the formation of stars and stellar systems. The algorithms available at the time were incapable of describing the complicated systems that evolve out of chaotic clouds of gas in the galaxy.


Professor Monaghan, and his colleague Bob Gingold, took the novel and effective approach of replacing the fluid or gas in the simulation with large numbers of particles with properties that mimicked those of the fluid. SPH has


become a central tool in astrophysics, where it is currently used to simulate the evolution of the universe after the Big Bang, the formation of stars, and the processes of planet building.



Australia Higher Education Funding


Financing of Australian higher education has undergone dramatic change since the early 1970s. Although the


Australian Government provided regular funding for universities from the late 1950s, in 1974, it assumed full


responsibility for funding higher education - abolishing tuition fees with the intention of making university accepted to all Australians who had the ability and who wished to participate in higher education.


Since the late 1980s, there has been a move towards greater private contributions, particularly students fees. In 1989, the Australian Government introduced the Higher Education Contribution Scheme (HECS) which included a loans scheme to help students finance their contributions. This enabled universities to remain accessible to students by delaying their payments until they could afford to pay off their loans. In 2002, the Australian Government introduced a scheme similar to HECS for postgraduate students - the Postgraduate Education Loan Scheme (PELS).


Funding for higher education comes from various sources. This article examines the three main sources – Australian Government funding, students fees and charges, and HECS. While the proportion of total revenue raised through HECS is relatively small, HECS payments are a significant component of students' university costs, with many students carrying a HECS debt for several years after leaving university. This article also focuses on characteristics of university students based on their HECS liability status, and the level of accumulated HECS debt.





1) Government powers


Devolution of power is considered differently by two parties. The need to modify


government power from federal to state level is a philosophical question, which also


addressed the disputes between Democrats and Republicans. Democrats think


government should hold the strong power and entitlements, while Republicans believe


that government power should be shared with the states and people.



2) Global warming – Air-pollution (1. Smoking, 2. Industrialization – economic growth)




1) Review all sources before drawing any conclusions.

2) The teacher asked the group to commence the task.


3) While reconciliation is desirable, the basic underlying issues must be addressed.




Lv.7 7 Jayyoung  실버
891 (88.1%)

안녕하세요 반가워요~


5 SSG814 2018.09.15 10:31
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:05
댓글내용 확인
5 SSG814 2018.09.16 21:25
댓글내용 확인
5 kims 2018.09.15 11:41
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:08
댓글내용 확인
4 Ryanhh 2018.09.15 18:04
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:08
댓글내용 확인
2 heyluvlygirl 2018.09.15 21:57
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.17 13:31
댓글내용 확인
2 지니수지니 2018.09.15 22:59
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:05
댓글내용 확인
2 지니수지니 2018.09.16 22:14
댓글내용 확인
7 ptesin 2018.09.16 07:00
우와 축하드려요~~~ 대단하십니다.!!!
저는 매번 스피킹때문에 아직 졸업도 못하고 있어요ㅠㅠ
리딩 기출 공유 부탁드려도 될까요?
매번 50대 초반으로 나오는 터라 마니 불안하거든요
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:07
댓글내용 확인
7 ptesin 2018.09.17 18:24
댓글내용 확인
2 momo1122 2018.09.16 08:58
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:09
댓글내용 확인
19 오비완 2018.09.16 12:17
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.16 21:04
오비완님! ㅎㅎ 후기 잘읽었었습니다. 지금보니 댓글을 못달았었네요 감사합니다^^
12 chaevely 2018.09.16 21:59
Jayyoung 님 축하드려요! 앞으로의 일들도 다 잘 풀리시길 ^________^
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.17 14:25
오옷!! 채블리님 간만이네요! 감사합니다. 채블리님도 다음단계 꼭 잘되시리라 믿어의심치않습니다. 그리고 감사했습니다.^^
6 자신감 2018.09.17 11:31
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.17 14:25
댓글내용 확인
6 stellayu 2018.09.17 11:42
댓글내용 확인
7 Jayyoung 2018.09.17 14:28
댓글내용 확인
6 stellayu 2018.09.17 15:10
댓글내용 확인
10 luce9001 2018.09.18 00:00
댓글내용 확인
8 Tryer 2018.09.18 05:16
졸업 축하드립니다.. 그동안 수고 많으셨어요,,, 시험후기 공유도 넘 감사드립니다..^^
3 jenny2222 2018.09.18 15:05
댓글내용 확인
1 엄마담 2018.09.18 15:17
댓글내용 확인
1 Amy12345 2018.09.18 21:18
댓글내용 확인
3 perth 2018.09.19 11:46
댓글내용 확인
2 JYPark 2018.09.20 21:18
댓글내용 확인
1 또로롱 2018.09.21 16:18
댓글내용 확인