Writing 관련 - 모의고사 A

Writing 관련 - 모의고사 A

16 천사와악마 6 11,869 2018.08.01 10:54

제가 여기에 올릴만한 실력이 있는건 아니지만 라이팅 관련해서 혹시나 도움이 될까해서 이렇게 미력하나마 제 경험을 올려봅니다. 참고로 마지막 2번의 시험에서 L/R 60~63, S 49~50 받았고 라이팅만 비정상적으로 75~76 받았습니다.


우선 이 모의고사는 제가 스피킹 특히나 발음에 문제가 있어 점수가 안나오는 편이라 그와 관련한 실험을 해본 것이구요. (DI만 제외하고 스피킹 답을 모두 준비한 상태에서 스피킹이 원하는 점수가 나오는지 알아보려고 했었습니다.) 그 결과 나오라던 스피킹은 안나오고 라이팅이 90점이 나와서 공유해봅니다. 참고로 6개의 라이팅 관련 영역 (SWT / WE / FIB(R&W) / SST / FIB(L) / WFD) 중에서는 FIB(L)와 WFD만 반복해서 듣고 답을 적어두었고 나머지는 제 마음대로 풀었습니다. (리스닝에서 SST/FIB/HIW/WFD외에는 안풀고 스킵했습니다.) FIB(R&W)은 제 생각에 반타작정도 한듯합니다. 그리고 그 결과 L/R/S/W --> 78/65/72/90이 나왔네요. 그래서 제가 적었던 SWT, WE 그리고 SST를 공유해봅니다. 참고로 에세이는 이 사이트에서 공유되고 있는 템플릿을 사용했습니다. 실제 시험에서도 저 템플릿만 사용합니다.


SWT – Q1

You used to think that being green was a luxury for your company, but climate change has made you realise that you can no longer ignore it. The buzz is about becoming carbon-neutral, but where do you start?


Consider your drivers. Do you want to become carbon-neutralfor marketing reasons, for financial reasons, or just to save the planet? Says Mark Armitage of the CarbonNeutral Company: 'Your drivers will help to tailor your carbon-reduction programme and determine key performance indicators.' Build a case for going carbon-neutral.


Measure it. First, measure your current carbon footprint - or get a specialist to do it for you. That primarily means taking account of your energy usage and emissions caused through travel. Before you begin, think about whether you're collecting the right dataand whether it's readily accessible.


When implementing any energy reduction measures, ensure you engage with your staff. “It’s much better if your people decide for themselves when it’s sensible for them to travel.” Says Armitage. You’ll also need them to participatein switching off the lights and other energy-saving measures. Set targets and show it’s not a one-off exercise.


When a company is going for carbon-neutral, they should firstly measure current carbon footprint which can be done by a specialist and you should engage with your staff to implement any energy reduction measures after collecting the right data and setting targets because your staff can participate in energy-saving measures. (50 words)


SWT – Q2

The history of marketers seeking the advice of physicistsis a short one, but an understanding of the Theory of Resonance may give communications experts the edge. Resonance Theory explainsthe curious phenomenon of how very smallpebbles dropped into a pond can create bigger wavesthan a large brick. The brick makes a decent splash but its ripples peter out quickly. A tiny pebble dropped into the same pond, followed by another, then another, then another, all timed carefully, will create ripples that build into small waves. As Dr Carlo Contaldi, a physicist at Imperial College London, explains, a small amount of energy committed at just the right intervals – the ‘natural frequency’ – creates a cumulatively large effect. Media consultant Paul Bay believes that just as with the pebbles in a pond, a carefully choreographed and meticulously timed stream of communication will have a more lasting effect than a sporadic big splash during prime time TV breaks.


Innocent s testament the power of pebbles. Until last year, the maker of smoothies had never advertised on TV, instead drip-feeding the market with endless ingenious marketing plays from annotating its drinks labels with quirky messages rather than communicating through the occasional big and expensive noise. (이 붉은 글씨 부분은 모의고사에는 안나와있지만 제가 찾아본 원문에는 있어서 넣어두었습니다.)


So whether you’re trying to make waves in the laboratory or in the media, the people in white coats would advise a little and often. A big budget is not the prerequisite of success.


When people seek the advice of physicists to make waves in the laboratory or in the media, physicists give the resonance theory to explain how small amount of energy create a cumulatively large effect but a big budget is not required for success even though the people in white coats would advise a little and often. (56 words)

WE – Q1

Television has two roles: to inform and to entertain. Explain which of these roles you see as more important. To what extent do you think that TV today performs each of these roles in an effective way? Support your point of view with details from your own experience, observations or reading.


With the rise of urbanisation and technology development across the world, the roles of televisionhas become the subject of heated debate. While it is possible to claim that television has diverse benefits such as letting people know abrupt natural disaster, others maintain that there has been a multitude of reasons why people use the television for entertainment only. In this essay, I shall elaborate on my viewpoint by analysing both sides of the argument with my experience before deducing a proper conclusion.


On the one hand, it is generally acknowledged that television provides a number of advantageous information for various people in different areas. For example, seniors who are not familiar with cutting edge devices such as internet and computer can access to the news by the television if urgent issues such as tsunami or severe storm arise and it comprehensively contributed to the advancement of the subject such as culture and human lifestyle in many ways. It can also be argued that television is beneficial for young generation as well as university students who need to know the current affair.


On the other hand, there are also a litany of advocates who argued for the entertainment side of using television and have a different perspective. They demonstrate convincingly that it can actually have a vast amount of impact. For example, general public can get to know contemporary cultural change through from the television.


To sum up, considering what has been discussed above, it is my opinion that television has provided far-reaching positive effective effects which have brought to the society. Therefore, I strongly recommend that to keep this trend for both merits for the future although watching television too much will undoubtedly be associated with negative consequences, societies should take conscious steps to mitigate these potential problems. (299 words)


WE – Q2

In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting? If voting is compulsory in a democratic society, what are some conclusions we can draw about the nature of democracy?


With the rise of urbanisation and technology development across the world, compulsory votinghas become the subject of heated debate. While it is possible to claim that voting is an important activity which has various benefits such as electing a representative, others maintain that the substantial side effects of forced voting lead to a controversy over the potential impact of this trend on disadvantages over the past years. In this essay, I shall elaborate on my point of view by analysing both sides of the argument with my experience before deducing a proper conclusion.


First, it is generally acknowledged that compulsory voting provides a number of merits. For example, all general public can be interested in local issue so that the voting has comprehensively contributed to the advancement of the subject such as culture and human lifestyle in many ways. It can also be argued that autonomous participants in the voting is beneficial for everyone including young generation as well as adults for common interests.


On the other hand, those who argued for disadvantages of the compulsory voting have a different perspective and demonstrate convincingly that it can actually have a negative impact on social benefits. For example, people who have more urgent issue do not know the current issue and give a vote for opposition. Moreover, there are multifarious concerns such as political corruption and those can be a significant factor to be considered.


To sum up, considering what has been discussed above, it is my opinion that far-reaching positive effective effects which have brought to the society outweigh its drawbacks. Therefore, I strongly recommend that to keep this trend for the future although it will undoubtedly be associated with negative consequences, societies should take conscious steps to mitigate these potential problems. (293 words)


SST – Q1

The lecture delineated that majority of decisions in the world are made by G7 which are seven rich countries including the United States after World War 2. In addition, institutions such as IMF, world bank and world trade organisation which have global dominance, also play a major role in decision making. These are institutions that have global control and the United States has overwhelming influence on them. (67 words)

SST – Q2

The lecture was talking about the importance of human freedom and the change in business. Such change is important and now in the early stage. The changes allow having the economic benefits for both large organisations and small companies such as economic scale and knowledge, freedom, creativity and motivation. The reason is that information technology has reduced the cost of communication to make a sensible decision instead of following orders. (70 words)


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14 구루미1 2018.08.01 11:08
그럼 라이팅에서는 WFD 와 FIB 가 관건이네요...
16 천사와악마 2018.08.01 11:21
제 생각에도 WFD가 정말 중요한것 같습니다. FIB는 어느정도나 비중을 차지할지 모르겠습니다. 아마도 SWT/WE/FIB가 비슷한 비중이 될것 같은데 키워드만 잘 뽑아서 문법에 맞춰서 써주면 될것 같습니다. 아마도 제가 실제 시험에서 79를 못 넘는 이유는 WFD에서의 실수와 SST에서 키워드가 다 들어가지 않은게 영향을 미치는것 같습니다. FIB는 왠만하면 거의 다 맞추는것 같고 리딩/라이팅 FIB는 워낙 단어암기를 싫어해서 실제 시험에서도 비슷한 정도로 점수를 얻는다고 보니까요.
12 chaevely 2018.08.01 14:04
Writing part marking distribution은 아래와 같습니다.

WFD (26.8) > FIB(R&W) (22.3) > SST(11.9) > Essay(11.2) > SWT(10.4) > FIB(L)(7.4) = total 90
많은 분들이 에세이가 오직 라이팅 점수만 따오기 때문에 라이팅에서 엄청 큰 비중을 차지할거라고 생각하시는데, 저도 저것밖에 안 되는 걸 처음 알고 이후로 템플릿만 암기하고 따로 공부 안했었죠.
WFD는 그냥 모든 영역의 왕이네요. ㅠㅠ
16 천사와악마 2018.08.01 11:17
저기 SST 답은 그냥 베껴온겁니다. 저 실험해본게 몇주 지난거라 기억이 가물가물해서 다시 읽어보다가 기억이 났습니다. 제가 쓴답이 아니네요. 그랬더니 SWT도 제가 풀었던건지 어디서 가져온 답인지 기억이 잘 안나네요 ㅡ,.ㅡ; 구글에서 검색해서 안나오는걸 보니 제가 직접 작성한것 같긴한데 어쨌든 저런식으로 키워드를 뽑아왔구나라고 참고만 하시면될것 같습니다. 그리고 에세이는 정말 주먹구구로 적어넣었습니다. 몇몇 문장은 제가 아이엘츠할때 주로 쓰던 문장들도 있구요.

정말 스피킹 점수좀 올려서 이 개미굴에서 벗어나고 싶습니다. ㅠㅠ
9 adam 2018.08.01 11:23
Explain which of these roles you see as more important. To what extent do you think that TV today performs each of these roles in an effective way
제가 볼 때 이렇게 3가지 입장을 묻는 essay에서 굳이 바디를 3개 만들지 않아도 된다는것도 증명된거같네요
저도 이거 풀때 inform/entertain 다음에 effective way 이걸 어떻게 다룰까 하다가 결론에 한줄 넣는걸로 마무리 했는데

이 실험에서보면 나쁜 선택은 아니었나봅니다.

16 천사와악마 2018.08.01 11:27
실은 adam님 글 보고 밑에 코멘트를 달까하다가 그냥 지난번에 올릴까 생각했던것도 있고해서 그냥 이렇게 글 남겼습니다. ^^; 전 질문에 상관없이 딱 이 템플릿하나만 쓰는데다가 구조도 딱 intro/body1/body2/con 이렇게 4개로만 구성하니까요. 말씀처럼 그냥 하시던데로 하시면 될것 같아요. 제 생각엔 WE보다 WFD가 훨신 중요한것 같습니다.