Jason from Exparforum 1

Jason from Exparforum 1

99 Jason 2 14,652 2016.12.19 21:50

Exparforum 에서 제가 처음 공부하던 당시 참고 했던 몇가지 후기를 모아뒀던 내용 입니다.

Hi All,

I have finally got my result in PTE academic and I have managed to score overall 85 in that. 


English has always been a roadblock for me in my life. I gave ILETS in March 2015 and I scored overall 7 but I failed to score 7 in each. My score was as below:-

Listening - 8.5

Reading - 6.5

Speaking - 6

Writing - 6


After giving IELTS I was disappointed because according to me I performed very well in speaking but still I was awarded 6 marks. I was thinking of scoring at least 7 in speaking so kept researching about it. Then somebody told me to about PTE academic. I Started practising this test but I was not sitting regularly. Then because of the office work pressure I was busy so did not paid attention towards it but yes from April to July 2015 I finished both the books(Macmillan and Kenny N. - PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key - 2013).


In August I again started practising seriously and I finished the Kenny N. - PTE Academic Practice Tests Plus with Key - 2013 book again and I thought I was read for the practice test. I gave practice A on 11 Aug -2015 and found how bad my English was. I scored overall 57.

Listening - 64

Reading - 57

Speaking - 49

Writing - 65

My enabling skills were disaster - 

Grammar - 28

Fluency- 42

Pronunciation - 37

Spelling - 38

Vocabulary - 72

Written discourse - 47


I was shocked to see my score because my friend who was with me scored overall 71 in practice test B.


My target was back then 65 and I booked my test for 10 September but soon I realized that with 65 I will not be make it to Australia, because my points were coming little short and I then I thought that I have no options other than scoring 79 now. With my current score 57 and projected 79 score I was worried, I thought that I will never be able to make it but then after reading the few success stories of Sudeep dai, Umas & Hope21, I thought it is possible to get 79 each, may be not in the first attempt but sooner or later because success can only to delayed but cannot be denied.

I kept practising, followed all the tips that has been given on the this.


Instead of practising essay writing from the book use this website. Please see this especially the comments that has been provided below. They are brilliant.

Journey to The Land Down Under: PTE Academic Essay Questions and Ideas

(instead of practising essay writing from the book use this website)

I gave my second practice test B on 2 September 2015 and my score overall was 68.

Listening - 77

Reading - 66

Speaking - 67

Writing - 68

My enabling skills were - 

Grammar - 65

Fluency- 68

Pronunciation - 59

Spelling - 42

Vocabulary - 81

Written discourse - 45.

There was definitely some improvement and I also found out that a friend of mine who has scored 71 in practice test B scored 80 in his exam but overall his marks were less than 79. I kept pushing myself and followed all advice that has been done in that website mentioned above. I was so much involved that one day I found myself talking to a beggar talking in English and then I realised that he will not be able to understand what I am saying because our native language is Hindi


Finally the Test day arrived 10 September 2015 and I was still nervous and sure that I will not be able to achieve 79 in all. Speaking test started and my heart was thumping very fast and soon after that I fumbled in twice in read loud and I was feeling disappointed but then I thought I will give my best shot and then I came to describe image in which I was able to understand what to say but then I followed the advice being provided our friends and continued.

In Reading I know that time will be less so I kept hurrying, and in some of the fill in the blanks I got stuck but then I continued on thinking that I will think too much here than probably I will not be able to complete my test on time.( I was always making mistake in reading - My Reorder were always wrong and In fill In the blanks total 10-11 fill in the blanks were always wrong)


Listening I never imagined that I will score 90 out of 90 because most of the time during the test I was not too sure in the answers. In last write from dictation, I was not able to understand the pronunciation of the speaker then I kept on thinking what word would fill in there appropriately and then test was over.


I was expecting an overall 74 but got 85, but the most important thing here was that I regained hope that sooner or later I will clear and made no compromise in English practice. 


All the advice or help you need is already there at https://pteacademicreview.wordpress.com/ . I would Like to thanks them for providing such wonderful support. The bifurcation exercise wise is a added bonus. 


Incase somebody needs help then they can definitely ask me because I know how it feels when you score 57 in practice test .


My final Score in first attempt



Listening - 90 

Reading - 87 

Speaking - 81 

Writing - 83 

My enabling skills were - 

Grammar - 82 

Fluency- 84 

Pronunciation - 67 

Spelling - 66 

Vocabulary - 90 

Written discourse - 57


Lv.21 99 Jason  최고관리자
3,967 (22.3%)

안녕하세요. 운영자 Jason입니다. dojason.com 도 같이 운영하고 있습니다. :)


1 Chapter9 2017.02.14 14:58
긴 후기 글이네요.
요약하면 이 웹사이트를 이용해 공부하면 유용하다고 합니다!
2 FELLA 2017.10.20 10:48
감사합니다. ^^