PART 1 : Personal Introduction

PART 1 : Personal Introduction

99 Jason 0 12,205 2016.12.19 22:04

이 파트는 점수로 채점되지 않습니다.

기존 영문 포럼에 쓴 아래 내용을 참고하세요. 



This is a non-scored part of the examination. 


In this section, you are given a prompt and are asked to introduce yourself orally. You speak about yourself for up to 30 seconds. This is not assessed but is sent to institutions along with your score report.


This is a non-scored part of the examination. If you are applying for a university this is a good chance to give a short introduction about yourself and make a good first impression. The institutions that receive you scores may also use it to verify your identity.


Make your own template and practice as much as possible. 


Lv.21 99 Jason  최고관리자
3,976 (25.3%)

안녕하세요. 운영자 Jason입니다. 도 같이 운영하고 있습니다. :)
