Jason from Exparforum 3

Jason from Exparforum 3

99 Jason 1 12,972 2016.12.19 21:52

Exparforum 에서 제가 처음 공부하던 당시 참고 했던 몇가지 후기를 모아뒀던 내용 입니다.

Dear All,


I thought of sharing my exam experience with the forum members. Let me know if you need any inputs. 

To start with, there is a debate around use of 'give exam','took exam'.Basically you give them the answer and they take your money(quote by GMAT student) 

My exam was yesterday at Chopras Bangalore. My take on this exam center is that it is good, however this was my first experience so not sure about the other center. There was 4 of us, it was less noisy and manageable. The exam center is very close to Trinity metro station. I was the first person to arrive at the center, which ensured that i got system at the corner. While, I didn't expect this to work against me. Yes, during the Re-tell lecture the speaker stopped working and I have to get assistance from the coordinator. I was given a different system and exam continued. Fingers crossed to see if this will affect my Speaking score. If anyone has experienced this, please do let me know your outcome.


After the initial procedure, the exam started around 2.40PM. I was very nervous to start with as I have given 2 practice test and got scores between 60-65. You are asked to introduce yourself and I managed to do this and felt relaxed.


Speaking Section:

Read Aloud - This is straight forward, I spoke in natural pace. You have time to read the sentence once before starting. Make use of this time don't read the heading and waste time. I have scored very less in practice test in speaking section so let me wait for the result to see if it is any different. 

Repeat Sentence - I struggled with this in practice but was able to repeat around 8 sentence correctly. In practice, I was able to repeat only 5-6. There are various tips provided in this forum but it is best for you to judge which is suitable. I just closed my eyes and concentrated very hard in listening. I missed a couple but those were pretty easy one's. May be I didn't follow it well as it was spoken in slow pace. I'm sure you can do well here.

Describe Image - This was the toughest section for me personally. While, there are various tips given by the forum member I somehow loose my thought while describing. I did OK in this section but could have definitely done better. For practice, you may refer to Macmillan or any graph in google, try to speak about the topic with clarity.

I got 2 Pie charts, line graph comparing population, couple of barcharts, 1 chart where I had no clue what that is about, couple of pictures, 1 was a Floor plan(which was unexpected) and other was about a city.

Retell Lecture - Disaster to start with as my speaker went on mute. In a different system, I started this, the topic was about 'How maths and science are interlinked','How Napolean III transformed Paris by provided road,safety,etc'. As advised in this forum, please take notes and collect your thought before the speech. Mention the important points and what the lecture conveys.

Answer Short Questions - I got a couple of easy one's wrong but you will be able to get through this section. For eg: There was a picture and I was asked to comment on the picture. I should have said 'It was a sunny day' instead I said 'It was a windy day' That managed to bring a smile on my face in this exam center.

Writing Section

Summarize text - There were 3 questions , 1 - 'How police force helped in training the students in school', 2 - 'Scientific Innovation',3 - 'About social media'

Write Essay - Only 1 essay similar to the topics shared by forum members 'Mass media TV,Newspaper,Radio have influenced people younger generation' Discuss with example ? .Don't forget to review your essay. keep 2-3 mins for reciew.There are lot of references available in youtube and in the forum as well. For templates, you can watch Ryan's IELTS. You may choose any. 

Reading section

Fill in the blanks - I struggle in this as I get confused with similar words. I felt the practice test was easier than actual for this section. There were plenty of question in the section, I was unable to count them and it was tiresome and time consuming. I waited for the Re-order paragraph but these questions never stopped. Very tiring.

Re-order Paragraph - This was easier than practice test. A total of 3 re-order paragraph. 2 was easy and 1 was a little tricky. 

Multiple choice & Single choice - As most of you are aware, multiple choice contains negative marks so choose wisely. There were 3-4 question, except for 2 I choose only one answer and moved on.

It's vital to keep your time in check. As there are many questions, manage your time effectively. I was just about to crack this on time.


My speaker was okay and I was back from the optional break. Please do take the break as it helps to relax and focus better in listening.You may raise your hand and inform the coordinator. The key to this section is concentration. I would have been happy if coffee was provided 

Most of the questions are similar to reading. For choose single answer, I didn't take any notes and focussed on the speech and was able to get the right answer(Hope I was right)

Followed same pattern for multiple choice, where I choose only the answer I was very sure.

When you summarize text, please take note of spellings and grammer. Agree that content matters but spelling mistake will cost us heavily.Also make note of names,years and sentences that are stressed. You should be able to understand the crux of the topic to write. In summarize text, 3 lectures in total. 1 - Einsten invention, 2 - Economy of Europe... 3 - Globalization and why this is the need of the hour...

Select missing word - 3 to 4 questions.

Highlight incorrect word - Follow the lecture closely, move your cursor along.Just before the start of the lecture skim through the text , it helps. 1 lecture was fast and it was difficult to follow and the other 2 was slow.

Write with diction - If you have time, you may write this in notebook and then type in system. This is what i did.


I have managed to write to the best of my memory, apologies if I have missed any.


Personally I feel this exam test your concentration and if you concentrate, practice hard you should be able to clear. I was targeting 79+ but doubt if I can achieve this.


I learned a lot from this forum and as a token of thanks I'm sharing these info, hope this will benefit others.. All the best..


I need information on RPL and state sponsorship. Will be happy if anyone can advise on this. I plan to apply on my own but agent claims that RPL,Statesponsor is very difficult and there are high possibility of rejection. I assume this is a marketing tactics, will be grateful for any help or assistance. 


Thanks you and have a good day!!





Lv.21 99 Jason  최고관리자
3,967 (22.3%)

안녕하세요. 운영자 Jason입니다. dojason.com 도 같이 운영하고 있습니다. :)


2 FELLA 2017.10.20 10:59
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